Welcome to Anthem Partners

July 1, 2022

After two years as Beck & Caul Financial & Accounting we’re growing, developing and we’re excited to announce that we are moving to a new name, a new look and a new work space.

Welcome to Anthem Partners!

We’re the same people, with the same great insight and advice but with a new name and soon a new office.

From 1 July we’ll be temporarily located at Unit 15, 212 Antigua Street just next to Parakiore (Metro Sports Facility). When the new workspace is completed we’ll be moving in and enjoying a shiny new coffee machine to welcome you to the space. 

Our bank account remains the same but our emails will change from @beckandcaul.co.nz to @anthempartners.co.nz.

We look forward to continuing to work with you, under our new Anthem Partners name.

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